We support people with the following:
- 24 Hour Short Term Accommodation – 0115
In-home and In workers homes – participants then get a family environment, personalised support, matched to a worker &/or the family situation, allowing participants to be a part of a caring family home situation. This allows us to charge a 1 to 2 rate which is more cost-effective than a 1 to 1 rate. Allowing for additional nights out of your plan but still getting 1:1 support for the cost of 1:2 rate.
- Assistance with Self-Care – 0107
Low care & High Intensity
- Community Social and Recreation activities – 0125
Supporting the person in the community
- Peer Mentoring – 0106
Private Respite & Accommodation Services now offers Peer Mentoring for those people who have this in their plan.
- Supported Independent Living – 0115
SIL permanent housing staff
Please call reception on 52428952 to discuss your requirements further.